Restaurateurs and such
To advertise your restaurant or gourmet food store on Port City Foodie, contact Port City Foodie using the email form below.
Hey! Let us know if you’d like to be featured in “Five with a Foodie.” It’s exactly what it sounds like: give us five minutes and we ask the questions.
Check out our advertising rate information, along with a web ad size chart.
Foodies, food writers, bloggers, photographers and all of you creative types
We love guest contributions! If you would like to write a feature, post a review, submit a recipe or contribute a food-related photo essay, we want to get to know you. If your piece is published, we will include two outbound links for you – one in the body of the article and one in your bio – and we will promote you on all of our social media, too.
Use the form below to contact Port City Foodie and get our attention.
Or send an email to Anne at Port City Foodie.