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Restaurants, Caterers, Food & Kitchen Gear Retailers: your customers are our readers.
Readership Statistics for Port City Foodie Advertisers
Advertise your restaurant or food-related business on Port City Foodie. Here’s what we have to add to your marketing strategies:
Average daily page views: 1740
Average time on page: 2:01
Most visited pages:
1. /hottest-restaurants-in-wilmington
2. home page
3. /food-trucks-round-up-…ind-in-wilmington-nc
4. /joe-loves-lobster-rolls-wilmington-nc
5. /cooking-classes-wilmington-nc
6. /caviar-pie-fancy-app…gs-and-cream-cheese
7. /kid-friendly-restaurants-wilmington
8. /best-bloody-mary-wilmington-nc/
Audience overview: 91.1% New Visitors | 8.9% Returning Visitors
Age – 23.33% 25-34 | 16.67% 35-44 | 20% 45-54 | 26.67% 55-64 | 20.1% 55-64 | 13.33% 65+
Gender – 55.2% Female | 44.8% Male
Regional traffic – 65.36% North Carolina | 11.75% Texas | 6.33% Georgia | 2.4% California
Acquisition channels: 76.1% Organic Search | 1.7% Social | 21.9% Direct
Social media:
- Port City Foodie articles regularly have more than 600 social media shares
- 2000 Facebook fans
Port City Foodie Web Ads
Supply Port City Foodie with your web-ready ad as a .pdf, .psd, .jpg or .gif. Refer to the dimensions above.
Tell us the URL of the website or Facebook page you would like to link your ad.
Email your ad, link instructions and contact information to, or upload directly to Google Drive and share with us at
If you don’t have an ad, you can send a photo, image, and copy to us, and we will create an ad for you. The one-time additional charge for creating an ad is $25.
Advertising Rate Card
Effective 1.1.19
Home and sub-pages Sidebar ads:
125 x 125 small square banner… $10 per month/$55 for 6 months
468w x 60h full banner… $12 per month/$65 for 6 months
250 x 250 large square banner… $15 per month/$80 for 6 months
160w x 600h wide skyscraper… $20 per month/$110 for 6 months
Blog and blogpost Sidebar ads:
125 x 125 small square banner… $10 per month/$55 for 6 months
468w x 60h full banner… $12 per month/$65 for 6 months
250 x 250 large square banner… $15 per month/$80 for 6 months
160w x 600h wide skyscraper… $20 per month/$110 for 6 months
Sponsored post (article):
Promotional post content and social media promotion… $15
Restaurant and merchandise reviews… read the Port City Foodie Disclosure
Restaurant directory links and in-line ads:
Text link… $25 for 6 months/$45 for 1 year
290w x 120h banner link… $15 per month/$80 for 6 months
Paying for your ad:
Submit payment by cash, check, or Paypal. Email us for details.
Need a website or social media? We can help with that too! An online presence is the best way to connect with diners.